LWA Updates: New Classes

To help your organization stay on track with health this summer, the Living Well Alliance is introducing two new classes! Our on-site classes are convenient and led by health professionals.

NEW CLASS: An in-depth look at sugar. In this class, we help your employees wade through all the hype to learn the truth about this molecule and what it does to their health. Participants will learn why humans evolved to crave sugar, the consequences of eating too much and how to read food labels to learn your sugar limit. Employees will leave with suggestions on how to reduce sugar intake and cravings. Is a sugar detox in your future?

NEW CLASS: Making successful behavioral changes. This class is an excellent companion to the nutrition counseling program the Living Well Alliance started in June. Many of us know what we need to change, but turning that knowledge into action is tricky. Class participants will discuss theories that evaluate approaches to change, learn effective methods for successfully changing lifelong habits and finally evaluate their own readiness to change while creating an individualized plan.

Still need a push in the right direction? Living Well Alliance can help! Sign up for individual nutrition counseling with a registered dietitian today. Read our flyer.

The Living Well Alliance is run by Pacific Medical Centers. Call us today at 1.206.621.4419 for more information or email LivingWellAlliance@pacmed.org.