PacMed is proud to support doctors in their advanced training and continually partners with the University of Washington and Swedish Medical Center residency programs to help strengthen future Internal Medicine and Family Medicine physicians. Residents have graduated from four years of medical school and are now receiving additional training in their area of practice. You may meet these resident physicians at one of our PacMed clinics.
There is a core group of UW Internal Medicine residents who see patients at our Beacon Hill and First Hill clinics as part of their regularly scheduled outpatient training. Internal Medicine residency is three years in length, and these residents will work with us throughout those years of advanced training. Residents are supervised by attending physicians from within our clinic.
Learn more about our Residency Program in partnership with UW Medicine.
PacMed Medical Residents

Internal Medicine Resident
Beacon Hill

Internal Medicine Resident
First Hill

Internal Medicine Resident
Beacon Hill

Internal Medicine Resident
First Hill