Love over fear: Working toward health equity in 2021
A message from PacMed’s Executive Team and Equity Council

Credit: Michael Evans/New York Times Co./Getty Images
On MLK Day 2020, the CDC issued its first COVID action, initiating screenings at three airports. The following day, the first US case was diagnosed locally by our partners at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett.
None of us could have imagined the events we have faced in the year since then.
From social to health injustices, we have become more present and aware of the opportunities that lie ahead to make this country one where all people are valued and receive the resources needed to thrive and enjoy life. As a healthcare organization, we acknowledge that until the inequalities to accessing healthcare in America are addressed, we will not see the long-term positive impact we can contribute to society.
This also means we will need to address racial disparities and bias that exist within healthcare. These are not new issues. They are large, however, and require continuous attention until they no longer exist.
We know there is always room for improvement, which is why we recently completed a survey to gather insights into our bias so that we may use these insights to shape how we proceed. Our Equity Council will be using the results to take actions that make us an even more inclusive organization.
As we embark upon this journey, we will look internally to ensure that our infrastructure supports our longstanding history of providing compassionate care to all patients from all of the diverse communities in the Puget Sound area. This is a piece of our history that brings us pride and we want to continue to be a beacon of service for our diverse community.
We will also look to iconic figures such as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for encouragement and guidance on ways to stay focused when there is so much to be done.
As Dr. King states, “the time is always right to do right.” He also reminded us to move from fear—which may be heightened from our experiences this past year—to love.
Hate is rooted in fear and the only cure for fear-hate is love.
It is a very strong love… unembittered through the angry seas of persecution. It is love facing evil with an infinite capacity to take it without flinching.
Hatred and bitterness can never cure the disease of fear; only love can do that.
Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it.
Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it.
Hatred darkens life; love lights it.
Dr. King’s life and message shine in our memories because of this revolutionary idea: that in the face of increasing chaos, disarming and defusing fear is the only path to healing. Our peace will be found only in facing our fears and overcoming them with love.
The love Dr. King speaks of infuses our care, helping us create a very special culture for our patients and caregivers.
We invite you to join us on this journey of creativity, healing and love. And we wish you a courageous Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.